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Empowering women this Navratri

Nine days to celebrate women and the spirit of womanhood. Navratri seems like a perfect celebration in a utopic world. But we don’t live in a utopic world. In India, 24,923 cases of rape were reported in 2012 not because of Clothing but because of Mentality. That is not becoming of a country that worships its women goddesses for 9 days.

Navratri celebrates goddess Durga’s victory of good over evil. This is in stark contrast to the oppression faced by our women. The patriarchy inherent in our country runs rampant in all aspects of society, from belittling the achievements or opinions of women from professions they have often reached heights into prioritizing the male children in all aspects of their childhood upbringing.

Also Read: Let’s Empower the Emerging Women

The men of India are brought up believing that they are superior to women purely for the fact that they are men. This toxic mentality is a tough stain to remove off India’s subconscious. This is where Kovet comes in. Kovet aims to empower women, empower women to elevate ourselves and be higher beings that we are, by changing the first phase of judgment i.e. our appearance.

With power dressing for women, we enable women to feel proud of themselves, proud of who they are and what they have achieved. To stand proudly in front of the men who challenge to take what is theirs just by virtue of their gender.

As we approach yet another Navratri, join Kovet in hoping for a better future for the women of India. There appear minor steps forward with various movements, but the road is a long one. Let us hope for a better future. A safer one. For our women.

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